Directed Forgetting in Organizations: Positive Effects of Information Systems on Mental Resources and Well-being
Hertel, Guido; Meeßen, Sarah M.; Riehle, Dennis M.; Thielsch, Meinald T.;, Nohe, Christoph; Becker, Jörg
Decision-makers in organisations are often overtaxed by huge amounts of information in dailybusiness processes. As a potential support strategy, this study examined ‘directed forgetting'(Bjork, 1970) in a simulated sales planning scenario. We assumed that the availability of acomputer-based decision support system (DSS) triggers forgetting of decision-relatedbackground information. Such directed forgetting should not only release memory capacitiesfor additional tasks but also enhance decision quality and decrease strain of decision makers.Assumptions were tested in an experimental study with N = 90 participants. Consistent withour assumptions, results revealed higher recall of decision-unrelated information, higherdecision quality, and higher well-being when participants could use a DSS as compared totwo control conditions without a DSS. Moreover, directed forgetting effects were qualified byparticipants' trust in the DSS. This study provides first evidence for directed forgetting effectscued by information systems in a business context.
Directed forgetting; Decision making; Knowledge Management; Trust; Well-being