A Novel Serious Game for Trust-Related Data Collection in Supply Chains
Niemann Marco, Elischberger Frederik, Diedam Pia, Hopkins Jorge, Thapa Rewat, de Siqueira Braga Diego, Hellingrath Bernd, Lins Anthony, Raffaele Rennan Cavalcante, de L. Neto Fernando Buarque
Trust is considered an essential factor to develop and maintain business and supply chain relationships. However, it is hard to investigate its mechanisms due to the lack of supply chain trust-related datasets. This lack forces researchers to use artificially and often self-generated datasets which limit the validity of results and comparability with different approaches. Striving for the generation of less artificial trust datasets, this paper presents a novel serious game to gather trust information in a B2B supply chain setting.
Serious games; Trust; Supply chains; Behavioral Experiment; Data analytics; Docker; Online game; Multiplayer Game