IT-Enabled Idea Crowdsourcing – A Mean to Promote Gender Equity in IT Research Institutions
Gorbacheva Elena, Barann Benjamin
The paper is aimed at enhancing understanding of how under-representation of women in IT (Information Technology) research institutions, as well as other challenges related to gender equity, can be addressed with the help of IT-enabled idea crowdsourcing. A systematic literature review was conducted to understand how the topic of gender equity promotion via collaboratively used IT artefacts has been addressed in extant research. Insights from the literature review, overview of existing related IT artefacts, and iterative discussions with scholars in the IT field have resulted in a set of requirements to the idea crowdsourcing platform aimed at the promotion of gender equity in IT research institutions. These requirements were analysed further and could be categorised into those specific for the target platform and those relevant also for other idea crowdsourcing platforms (with or without further adaptation). This study addresses a novel and important research topic and might be of value for practitioners.
Gender Equity; Women in IT; Idea Crowdsourcing; Online Platform; Literature Review